According to the art. 13 of the EU Regulation 2016 / 679- GDPR

On the site there is a “Contacts” page where there is also a contact form to leave a message. The data controller collects personal contact information by filling in a dedicated form. The treatment is carried out in compliance with the criteria set by the European regulation on the protection of personal data, Reg. 2016/679 / EU, in force since 25 May 2018 (henceforth G.D.P.R.). According to the law indicated, the processing must be based on principles of correctness, lawfulness, transparency and protection of the privacy and rights of the interested parties.


The data controller is F.R.C. S.R.L.S, in the person of its own legal representative, with registered office in Viale Giacomo Matteotti n. 19 in Civitavecchia (RM), pec


The data collected with the consent (according to art. 6.1 letter b), G.D.P.R. of the interested party will be used for the following purposes:

Sending of requested information for which express consent is not required; if he refuses the processing of data, the data controller cannot proceed to fulfill the request;
The data may also be used for marketing and commercial purposes so, in this case, the express consent of the interested party is required. In case of refusal, the data may not be used for this purpose.


The processing of personal data takes place, by persons in charge of the organization in charge of handling requests, using manual, IT and telematic tools with logics strictly related to the purposes in question and in any case in order to guarantee the security and confidentiality of the data. Filing can be done both electronically and on paper, as well as using security measures to guarantee the confidentiality of personal data and to avoid undue access to unauthorized parties.


The provision of data must be considered mandatory with regard to the treatments that the organization must carry out to manage the requests made by the interested party, as indicated in point 2a of the purpose section of the data processing.

The provision of data is optional for the purpose referred to in point 2b of the purpose section of data processing.


The data may be communicated to duly appointed internal and external subjects who carry out activities on behalf of the data controller.

Communication to non-EU countries outside the U.E.


The Data Controller will process personal data for the time necessary to fulfill the purposes referred to in point 2 a) b) and in any case for no more than 10 years from the termination of the relationship. You can withdraw your consent at any time.


At any time the interested party may exercise his rights towards the Data Controller, pursuant to EU Regulation 679/2016 by contacting the Data Controller through the following addresses: F.R.C. S.R.L.S Viale Giacomo Matteotti n. 19 in Civitavecchia (RM), pec

In order to guarantee the correct exercise of the rights, the person concerned must make himself identifiable unequivocally. The organization undertakes to provide feedback within 30 days and, if it is impossible to comply with these times, to justify any extension of the deadlines. The reply will be free of charge except in cases of unfounded (eg there are no data concerning the interested party) or excessive requests (eg repetitive over time) for which a fee may be charged not exceeding the costs actually incurred for the research carried out in the specific case. The interested party can also lodge a complaint with the supervisory authority.

In particular, the interested party has the right to:

request access, rectification, deletion of personal data, limitation of processing, as well as data portability;
oppose the processing and revoke consent at any time without affecting the lawfulness of the processing based on the express consent before revocation.

Cookie Policy

The following is the Cookie policy to be used as extended information pursuant to art. 13 D.lgs. 196/2003 (hereinafter the “Privacy Code”) and articles 13 and 14 of Regulation (EU) 2016/679 (hereinafter “GDPR”).

What are cookies?

Cookies are packets of information sent by a web server (eg the site) to the user’s Internet browser, the latter automatically stored on the computer and automatically sent back to the server each time the site is accessed.

By default, almost all web browsers are set to automatically accept cookies.

Typically cookies can be installed:

Directly from the owner and / or manager of the website (so-called first-party cookies)
by managers outside the website visited by the user (c.d. third-party cookies). Unless otherwise specified, please note that these cookies fall under the direct and exclusive responsibility of the same manager. Further information on privacy and their use can be found directly on the websites of the respective operators.

This website may use, also in combination with each other, the following types of cookies classified according to the indications of the Privacy Guarantor and of Opinions issued within the European framework by the Working Group pursuant to art. 29 of the GDPR:

Session that are not stored permanently on the user’s computer and are deleted when the browser is closed, are strictly limited to the transmission of session identifiers necessary to allow the safe and efficient exploration of the site, avoiding the use of other IT techniques potentially prejudicial to the privacy of users’ browsing
Persistent that remain stored on the computer’s hard drive until their expiry or cancellation by users / visitors. Through persistent cookies, visitors who access the site (or any other users using the same computer) are automatically recognized at each visit. Visitors can set the computer’s browser to accept / reject all cookies or display a warning whenever a cookie is proposed, in order to evaluate whether to accept it or not. The user can, however, modify the default configuration and disable cookies (ie block them definitively), setting the highest level of protection.
Technicians are cookies used to authenticate themselves, to take advantage of multimedia contents such as flash player or to allow the choice of the navigation language. In general it is therefore not necessary to acquire the prior and informed consent of the user. This also includes cookies used to statistically analyze accesses / visits to the site only if used exclusively for statistical purposes and by collecting information in aggregate form.
Non-technical are all cookies used for profiling and marketing purposes. Their use on the users’ terminals is forbidden if they have not been properly informed before and have not given a valid consent in this respect according to the opt-in technique. These types of cookies are, in turn, groupable according to the functions they perform in:
Analytics. These are cookies used to collect and analyze statistical information on accesses / visits to the website. In some cases, associated with other information such as credentials entered for access to restricted areas (your e-mail address and password), they can be used to profile the user (personal habits, sites visited, content downloaded, types of interactions carried out, etc.).
Widgets. This category includes all those graphic components of a user interface of a program, which is intended to facilitate the user in interacting with the program itself. By way of example, cookies are facebook, google +, twitter cookies.
Advertsing. This category includes cookies used to advertise within a site. Google, Tradedoubler fall into this category.
Web beacons. This category includes code fragments that allow a website to transfer or collect information by requesting a graphic image. The websites can use them for different purposes, such as the analysis of the use of websites, control activities and reporting on advertising and the personalization of advertising and content.

Cookies on the Site

Technical cookies for which consent is not required

The Owner will install on his device and, in particular, in his browser or let third parties install some cookies that are necessary for us to acquire or let our partners acquire statistical information in anonymous and aggregate form relating to his navigation on the pages of the Site.